Thursday, July 5, 2007

College Life

Here are some pictures of my dorm room in Bowland Hall here at Lancaster University. It doesn't even compare to the countryside outside the room and that would be why we are spending as little time here as possible. We're also trying to do as little cooking as possible!

This one shows me standing outside our group lounge where we held our 4th of July picnic/party. The sign on the door says, "Mature Students Only" or something to that effect. Click on the picture to enlarge it. See? I guess that means I've arrived!

Off I go to Scotland for the weekend. I'll check in when I get back. Cheers!


Kellunstone said...

Wow, Nancy -- that's a beautiful dorm room!

Small world: met a woman last night at a friend's house and she had spent a year in Lancaster so she knew all about where you were.

Looking forward to pictures from Scotland. I think Sierra and Aubrey got to go there -- i remember Sierra talking about her bus ride up there because the bus driver was reliving the story of Braveheart--he was quite animated! And she bought a cute figurine of the Loch Ness Monster.

Well, I'm off to work today & to the post office to mail your b-day card!!! hope you get it!
love, Kellun

Anonymous said...

Hi Lady N.
Miss you very much
Love, D and M

dodette said...

dodette says - I survived Vegas, but not without fighting a nasty bronchial infection, coughing, sore throat, etc. Took a bit of my energy away, but had a great time. Lost my voice for two days. Blueberries ready to pick on July 9. Hope I can work that in sometime wheni it is not 90 deg. So hot in Vegas - 115 deg. one day. Your visit has gone so quickly. Another week and you will be home again. Enjoy. I am off to the Chesney concert next week on Thurs. Then off to Wisc. with Kathy Bozarth on Sat. for a few days. It is a busy summer. Miss you.

jamie.winchell said...

Thanks for the photos of your habitat! My request has been granted. Now I my mental picture of your life over there is all the more detailed.

Love the sweatshirt! : )